Virtue, #2
ARC provided by author to facilitate this review
I fell in love with a lie …
She was beauty and destruction.
Kissing her was a tender song.
Fucking her, a wild poem.
Loving her, my downfall.
But she was mine.
Or so I thought.
I told her I wanted her body
and not her love.
I lied.
One man offered me his love.
The other, the world.
I’m falling, falling, falling …
And there’s no end in sight.

It’s a 5 Alarm Read!
I’ve struggled all day with how to properly convey my thoughts about Mia Asher’s latest novel, Sweetest Venom. I’ve come to the conclusion that my mere words won’t be able to do this book justice, so we’re just going to keep this short and sweet.
Mia’s words are razor sharp, and can cut you to the quick. Her stories slice at you over and over again, but they leave the reader craving her particular brand of pain. Sweetest Venom was the perfect conclusion to Blaire’s story, and only served to make Easy Virtue an even better book than it was originally.
The development of this story, the road that these characters travel, the differences in who they were and who they have become by the last page, is nothing short of remarkable. It’s a turbulent, exciting, maddening ride, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sweetest Venom completely captivated me. I spent much of my time between those pages alternating between anger and sadness, and I was almost hypnotized by this story. By the end of this book, I was emotionally wrung out, completely exhausted, and blissfully happy.
Some stories you read. Others, you LIVE. Mia Asher will hurt you in the very best way, and leave you coming back for more.
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