City Limits #1
ARC provided by author to facilitate this review
Welcome to Wynne, population 3,401.
No billionaires. No professional athletes. No celebrities.
In this small town, current events are pondered in mirrors at the local salon or around crowded tables at the diner, and there’s a new couple to gossip about. A rough and tumble woman who works in her dad’s garage, not yet ready to spread her wings, shows the new guy in town what it’s like to finally have roots.
It’s your run-of-the-mill, sexy, Astro van driving dentist meets smart-ass, bass fishing tomboy in a story of real-life romance.
Low on drama. High on love.
Pull up a chair and stay a while.

It’s a 5 Alarm Read!
In Roots & Wings, M. Mabie delivers a pure, simple love story. While it’s no secret that she can write angst with the very best of them (hello, Bait!), in this novel, we’re in a whole different realm.
It’s billed as a small-town romance, being low on drama and high on love, and that’s exactly what we get. Mabie doesn’t rely on drama and tired tropes to tell this story. While I love drama, I love angst, I love books that put me through the wringer, I can also really appreciate a sweet love story that is simply all about, well, the love!
Roots & Wings is refreshing book that’s easy to read. The words just flow over you, coaxing smiles and happy sighs as you wander through the pages. Vaughn’s character is something special, a hero the likes of which I haven’t read for quite a while, if ever. No alpha, no asshole tendencies, no domineering possessiveness. Now be aware, I LOVE all of those things, but I love Vaughn, too. A genuinely nice guy who wants to live a quiet, simple life accompanied by a good woman. Wholesome, with a sexy side. Yes, please!
I loved how M. Mabie made the town of Wynne almost a character in and of itself. Her descriptions make the reader feel like they’ve lived there all their lives; made them feel like the quirky cast of characters were faces they saw every day. When I closed this book, I immediately started packing my bags to move to Wynne.
Roots & Wings is a glass of sweet tea in a world of kamikaze shots. It’s a book you can relax with, a reading experience to savor. I can’t wait to see what happens next within the Wynne City Limits.
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