Memories From Yesterday #2
ARC provided by author to facilitate this review.

The stunning conclusion to this epic love story that began with Forgetting You, Forgetting Me from International Bestselling author, Monica James.
The truth sets you free...but what happens when everything you believe in changes in the blink of an eye?
All I ever wanted was for my fiancé, Samuel Stone, to remember me. And now that he does...all I want is for him to forget. Through tragedy, I found myself and who I was destined to become. But more importantly, I found who I was destined to be with.
This is a difficult review for me to write, because much like the plot of this book, my feelings are all over the place. This is the second book the Memories From Yesterday duet from Monica James, and I’m sorry to report that I did not enjoy this book as much as I did the first. While I didn’t completely dislike this book, I had some definite issues with it that hampered my enjoyment of the story.
Obviously, this story is dealing with an impossible love triangle, which is a trope I’m always here for. I was expecting next level heartache and angst. Instead of real angst, I felt like I was served an extra-large portion of drama. While I’m not opposed to some drama, this book just went overboard with it.
There was way too much juvenile behavior for me to get behind in this book, and after a while, it just seemed ridiculous. And lord deliver me from the army of bitchy exes that Lucy had to battle from all sides. They were ev-er-y-where! THAT particular plot point really started to get old, and honestly, they mostly seemed unnecessary. They weren’t there to advance the story, they were only there for you guessed, the drama factor *yawn*
While I realize that these three were in an impossible situation, the back and forth of it all eventually became too much for me. In fact, that was my reigning feeling throughout this book. It was all TOO DAMN MUCH. Too many times I yelled, “REALLY??” at my Kindle, too many times I sighed and rolled my eyes, too many times I just wanted to give up.
This book has an interesting premise and could have been something much more dynamic. I think it could have used another editing pass to help tighten things up, as this story got long-winded and rambling in certain parts, yet other issues are left unresolved and just swept under the rug. The story just didn’t feel cohesive to me. It seemed like the author kept throwing drama after drama into this book, and I just didn’t see the point. In this case, less would have definitely been more, and would have led to a much more impactful book. It just felt unnecessary and like so much filler.
All in all, I felt like this story just got in its own way. While the vision was there, and the story was promising, the execution just didn’t come together for me.
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