True North #1
ARC provided by author to facilitate this review
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the orchard.
The last person Griffin Shipley expects to find stuck in a ditch on his Vermont country road is his ex-hookup. Five years ago they’d shared a couple of steamy nights together. But that was a lifetime ago.
At twenty-seven, Griff is now the accidental patriarch of his family farm. Even his enormous shoulders feel the strain of supporting his mother, three siblings and a dotty grandfather. He doesn’t have time for the sorority girl who’s shown up expecting to buy his harvest at half price.
Vermont was never in Audrey Kidder’s travel plans. Neither was Griff Shipley. But she needs a second chance with the restaurant conglomerate employing her. Okay—a fifth chance. And no self-righteous lumbersexual farmer will stand in her way.
They’re adversaries. They want entirely different things from life. Too bad their sexual chemistry is as hot as Audrey’s top secret enchilada sauce, and then some.

It’s a 5 Alarm Read!
WARNING: EXTREME FANGIRLING AHEAD. If you’re looking for a well thought out, insightful, eloquent review of this book, keep on scrolling. I am not your girl.
If you’re into raw gut reactions and Fangirl Level Alpha, welcome home, bish. Let’s braid each other’s hair.
BITTERSWEET by Sarina Bowen was my first solo Sarina Book. I have read (AND ADORED) her Him series that she co-authored with Elle Kennedy, but I hadn’t gotten around to reading her other work yet.
MISTAKE. I’ve been wasting time eating, sleeping, working instead of reading her books?!?!?! What a fool I am.
During a sleepless night, I settled in with BITTERSWEET, book one in the True North series. From the very beginning, I was intrigued by the setting of this book. A family farm in Vermont? Quaint, picturesque, and the home to characters I NEEDED to know.
And Farmer Griff?? HELLS YES. He’s an ideal hero. Perfection in book boyfriend form.
Enter Audrey. Effervescent, determined, you want to crawl into the book and be her best friend.
BITTERSWEET is a contemporary second chance romance that is going to activate all of your fangirl sensors and have you turning the pages like a madwoman, all the while wanting to sip and savor this story and never leave the farm.
The characters that Sarina gives us are so well drawn, so magnetic, she makes you feel like you’ve lived in this town all of your life. The chemistry between Griffin and Audrey was intense, and I love, love, LOVE them together. I NEED them together. I also need my own Griff. Like yesterday. Because hunky farmer who is a GENUINELY GOOD MAN.
And the heat! BAH GAWD, the heat! These two are combustible together, and I’m LIVING Griffin’s dirty talk. L-I-V-I-N for it.
I honestly fell in love with this book and these people. Sarina delivered a story that I will enjoy over and over again.
P to the S – I need a Shipley Farms tshirt. And a tote bag made from fair trade organic hemp that I can take to the farmer’s market with me. Oh, and directions to a farmer’s market. Hook a sister up.
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