Desire Resort #3
ARC provided by author to facilitate this review
Georgia Trenton has always been lucky in lust but hasn’t ever been interested in love. She prefers quickies to courtships, never seeing the need for more than just sex.
Years of listening to her best friend Danielle’s relationship woes had assured her she was right to avoid romance altogether. But ever since Dani returned from vacation in love and looking like the poster girl for happily ever after with her new boyfriend Evan Weston, Georgia has been questioning her wild ways and thinking about the future.
In an attempt to forget about the uncertainties that plague her and escape the constant symphony of sex noises coming through the walls of her apartment thanks to Evan and Danielle, Georgia jets off to Desire Resort & Spa hoping to enjoy the rowdy vacation hotspot the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
No strings attached. No commitments. And with one sexy stranger…no names.
But when strings appear, complicating what was supposed to be a carefree getaway, and commitment suddenly doesn’t sound as bad as it used to, Georgia finds herself wondering if lust is really enough.
My love for Kate Roth novels is no secret. Time after time, she delivers solid stories that delight, entice, and inspire the reader. Peachy Keen follows right along in that tradition.
The next novel in the Desire Resort series, Peachy Keen CAN be read as a standalone, but I don’t recommend that. I suggest, nay, I demand, that you read Last Resort and Best Laid Plans first.
Because Evan Weston.
In this book, we get to know Georgia, the fun loving, larger-than-life best friend to Last Resort’s Dani. She’s looking for something in her life, and she may well have found it in a smart, sexy stranger she meets on her first night at Desire Resort and Spa. Following a delicious twist to the story that you won’t see coming, Kate Roth delivers a sizzling romance that hits all the right spots.
Peachy Keen is so much more than your typical boy meets girl, boy screws girl’s brains out, love story. Roth writes characters with extraordinary depth. From a feisty heroine, selfless sometimes to her own detriment, to an entirely new breed of alpha hero, I dare you not to fall in love with these characters. It just can’t be done.
Kate portrays a wide range of emotions throughout this book, enough steam to short out your ereaders, humor and one-liners that will keep your highlight function busy for days.
Above all of that, this is a tale of an inspiring love. A love that encourages you to be fearless. A love that will motivate you to tell your heart yes when your brain says no. There are many facets of love, both the good and the bad, which are captured perfectly between these pages.
I’m not blowing smoke when I tell you that this book evoked a physical reaction in me. I was positively giddy following along on Georgia’s journey. I had butterflies when she was in the throes of passion, and my heart hurt for her when she struggled.
There is something truly decadent about this book (and the series as a whole, really). Romantic escapism at its best, but never over-the-top or excessive. This is a smart, sexy, and funny book that will leave you smiling long after you read the last page. Peachy Keen is a must-read for lovers of love.
Desire Resort Series by Kate Roth
Last Resort
Amazon http://amzn.to/1JDbPFC
Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/1pCnKYl
iBooks http://bit.ly/1luA4u4
Best Laid Plans (Desire Resort 2)
Amazon http://amzn.to/18g3LKv
Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/1A0CHW5
iBooks http://apple.co/1bbt4xN
Many Times, Many Ways (Desire Resort 2.5)
Amazon http://amzn.to/1bbsrnV
Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/1FMgssV
iBooks http://apple.co/1EwXX7Q
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