If you know me, you know I’m NOTHING if not a slacker. To the extreme. What I’m saying is, a sloth will look at me and be all, “Damn, Mo. Get your life together.” Sadly, this also extends to my blog. I’m blessed with SO many amazing books to read, that sometimes, I just don’t get to read them all, or if I read them, I don’t always get my review written in a timely manner.
WELL. A friend is helping whoop my ass and knock out some of the backlog that I’ve accumulated. The Write On review-a-thon is a monthly event created and hosted by Brianna at The Book Vixen. This time, for the FIRST TIME ever, it’s 3 days dedicated to getting reviews done, whether you have one review to write or 30+. This edition of the review-a-thon takes place all day Friday, January 23rd through Sunday, January 25th.
So here are the reviews I want to get done during this month’s go-round. Sadly, this is not a comprehensive list of all that I have to review! (I TOLD you I’m bad!)
- Last Light
- Bad Romeo
- The Librarian Principle
- You Were Mine
- Out In Time
- Double Header
- Uncivilized
I will update this list as I go along to let you know my progress, so stay tuned!
Glad you’re joining! Good luck with your reviews and I hope you get a lot done:)
Good luck with your list!
Joy Weese Moll (@joyweesemoll) recently posted…First Ever 3-Day #Reviewathon